The cooperation with the Journalists Congress and the Medienlöwinnen Gala is a further step to promote women of all ages in Austria.
Qualysoft works in all countries with public institutions and nonprofit organizations. The advancement of women has been a high priority within the company for a long time. The cooperation with the Journalists Congress and the Medienlöwinnen Gala is a further step to promote women of all ages in Austria.
The Austrian Journalists congress is an initiative of Maria Rauch-Kallat, Maria Schaumayer and Industrialists. Since 1998, in annual, one or two day congress covers topics in lectures and workshops, the women are to promote in their career paths in the communications industry. Since 2013, the team shall endeavor to make the Congress a year under a main topic. A new setting and new Congress formats cause a gentle renovation, continue to put the women-specific challenges at the center. The scientific studies, lectures by national and international speakers, as well as all the content that will be developed by the media women in workshops are recognized as congress documentation and provided in the archive freely available for interested media women.
Qualysoft supports the Journalists Congress for several years now. At the big events like the Medienlöwinnen Gala and the Journalists Congress QualysmArt screens are used. The specially developed technology of Qualysoft can display all kinds of digital content with no additional hardware on many screens at the same time. The framing and placement on easels gives every event an extra exquisite touch.
Moreover Qualysoft has developed the new website for the Journalists Congress. With a modern design and a much improved menu guidance, especially the new online ticket shop is the highlight of the new web presence of Journalists Congress.