Friends 4 Friends Event Review, AirportCity Space, Vienna
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Qualysoft sponsored and attended the "AI 2.0 Expedition" event organized for the 28th time by the Swiss-Austria-Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce. The gathering provided the attending companies the chance to explore real-world AI use cases and set the stage for strategic partnerships. With engaging speeches, workshops, and networking opportunities, participants had a chance to connect, exchange ideas, and discover innovative insights from pioneers in the AI field.
[AirportCity Space], [Vienna] - The "AI 2.0 Expedition" gave attending companies the opportunity to take a close look at successfully implemented AI use cases across various industries. In addition to exciting speeches, pitches, and workshops, the participants were invited to network and exchange ideas about joint AI projects. The most interesting moments included:
- The welcome speech of the Swiss Ambassador Salome Meyer;
- The captivating speech of AI Expert Dalith Steiger;
- The stories of five Austrian and three Swiss startups that successfully implemented AI in their business strategy.
The Friends 4 Friends evening event offered both the participants of the "AI 2.0 Expedition" and members of the Swiss-Austria-Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce the opportunity to make new contacts, exchange ideas, and set the stage for innovative partnerships.
About Qualysoft:
With 23 years of experience serving more than 250 international clients, we are a one-stop shop for IT services and digitizing business needs. Powered by more than 500 specialists in Central and Eastern Europe, we have the expertise to close the gap between technology and your business growth.